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Our Activities

International Publication

The International Shipsuppliers & Services Association (ISSA) believes that "Information is very much our business". For this reason publishes this informative and interesting magazine called “The Ship Supplier” at regular intervals containing news, views and relevant articles to the vibrant world of ship supply.
Liberty Press that publishes the shipsupplier magazine is an international publish media organization that has its headquarters in Piraeus Port , in Greece . Its newspapers and magazines have the top of the market pie of the shipping market in Greece . The experience of the company in shipping industry and the successful way in Greek and European market outline the success of a long term cooperation with the members of ship supplier magazine .

The Ship Supplier Magazine Info

The Ship Supplier Magazine is an International Magazine addresses to 2000 subscribers all over the world

Industry Focus

The Ship Supplier Magazine focus to the following industries: Green ISSA , Medical & Safety ,Supply , Technology , Marketing News ,ISSA News , Debt Management ,Fire & Evacuation , Paints & Coating , Pumps & Valves ,Security Equipment , Insurance ,Out & About , Play, After Hours



Ship Supplier Magazine provided to members of ISSA & to participants in big maritime events all over the world


The Shipsupplier Magazine

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